
Now Booking for August & September 2024 – Get in Touch

dubsado setup in one week

It's time to elevate your client experience and build a personalized Dubsado setup so you can run a more profitable creative business

Let’s be real

Running a design, photography or copywriting studio is a juggling act.

In any given week, you spend your time and energy between creating captions or blog posts, showing up on Instagram stories, dreaming up new offers, strategizing ways to expand your creative business and sending invoices, creating contracts, onboarding new clients, managing your calendar, responding to emails – the list goes on.

And let’s not forget, actually DOING THE CLIENT WORK that pays your bills!

The truth is, balancing all of these important tasks is overwhelming (AND INCREDIBLY TIME-CONSUMING)

My VIP Week package is designed for brand & web designers and copywriters who are ready to run a profitable creative business, stand out in a crowded industry while keeping a very unique and personalized client experience. So if you’re ready to go from manual to “AUTOMATION” in less then a week, let’s get you started with a full Dubsado setup!

Real Results From Past Clients

5-10 hours saved per week on average

 That’s 200+ hours a year to spend doing what you love.

85-90% of their business fully automated

All while still having full control and personalization over their process.

30% revenue increase in their business

because they could take on more clients and work more efficiently.

Here's what a Dubsado VIP Week can do for you:

  • Increase your monthly income. By wasting less time on repetitive tasks, you’ll be adding back 20+ hours into your business each month. We’re talking $2K or more EACH MONTH depending on your hourly rate.
  • Set yourself apart in your crowded industry. Your client experience is professional & seamless, helping you to stand out from your competition.
  • Allow you take on more clients. Automated systems tailored to your SPECIFIC services will give you more time and energy to devote to your clients.
  • Maximize opportunities for referrals. When your clients love your work and the client experience they received, they’re more likely to send people your way.
  • No longer dread the onboarding process. It’s just a few simple clicks – what used to take 2 hours to create, now takes you 10 minutes.
  • Show off your custom proposals and forms. No more boring Dubsado templates that look nothing like your brand. You will have custom-coded forms that look and feel exactly like your website.

because streamlining & automating your processes is the MOST effective solution to get more hours back into your week

"Now, I have automated workflows for all my services and have cut down the amount of time I spend on managing projects in half."

Kristin Overly – Copywriter


The Dubsado VIP Week


  • Client Experience Coaching. In depth review of your client experience and systems.
  • Complete Done-For-You Dubsado Setup. Settings, Client Portal, Packages, Payment Plans, Schedulers, Workflows & Automation.
  • Post Project Support & Training. Workflow videos, training library, offboarding guide and 4 weeks of email support.

Investment starts at: $3750 CAD (approx $3,000 USD)

Payment plan are available

timeline: 1 week
*Taxes may apply
**During a VIP Week, we can setup up to 3 of your services. We can accommodate more services just on a longer timeline. 
Dubsado Setup Services by Streamlined By Martine

It's time to take those admin tasks off your plate!

We’re swapping your feelings of ‘there aren’t enough hours in my day’ with automated systems will grow with your business.

Think of how much more profitable (and joyful!) your creative business will be if you stop wasting time repeating the same less-than-fun tasks and start devoting more energy to your clients, marketing, and future goals.

Here is what you'll get!

When you work with me

But those are just the things you see:

So much more happens inside your creative business (&life) when you invest in a dubsado setup

  • Saving 5-10 hours every week on repetitive tasks.
  • Getting back in your zone of genius.
  • Elevating your client experience to make it match your amazing deliverables.
  • Creating cohesive branding for your website all the way to your feedback survey.
  • Increasing your revenue as you take on more projects.
  • Spending more time away from your laptop enjoying family time and rest days.

Here is how we'll do it!

Client Experience

Before we “meet” for the first time, I’ll send over a questionnaire to learn more about your client experience. One month before our VIP Week, we’ll hop on a 60-minute Client Experience Coaching call to deep dive into how we can elevate your client experience & overall systems.

Your time investment: 2 hours



After our first call, I’ll send over an onboarding questionnaire to provide all your branding details. Then, two weeks before our VIP Week, we’ll have a 90-minute call where we’ll deep dive into your  client experience and map out your processes.

Your time investment: 2,5 hours



After our Process Mapping Session, I’ll send over an implementation questionnaire to provide me with the content you’re currently using. Then, while you’re off working on your client projects, I get to work on your client experience & workflows.

Your time investment: 3 hours


VIP Week

Through our time together, I’ll reach out to you by email with any questions I’ve encountered along the way. You’ll get to review your canned emails & your forms to make sure everything is on point.

Your time investment: 3 hours



Once our time is up, we’ll complete (2) 45-minute calls to walk-through your new system. This is also where you’ll watch all the tailored workflow videos I created to make sure you understand your setup. 

Your time investment: 5 hours



You will receive 4 weeks of email support where I can answer any additional questions and help you with any problems you might have. And, I’ll also provide a personalized Next Step Guide.

Your time investment: 2 hours


A Dubsado setup is a collaborative process so you can

Walk away with a well-set up system you can use RIGHT AWAY!

From past Dubsado setup clients

the form design

In their own words…

Dubsado Specialist Martine CEO of Streamlined By Martine lifting a champagne glass to celebrate.

The Dubsado VIP Week is suitable for serviced-based businesses who already have a well implemented client journey, or have a very precise idea of it, that currently uses Dubsado and for whom their next step is to invest in streamlining and automating their business.

Absolutely! For a Dubsado VIP Week, a 1000$ deposit is required to book your VIP Week and secure your spot. The remainder is broken into 3 equal payments.

The second payment is due one day before the Client Experience Coaching call which takes place 4 weeks before the VIP Week.

The third payment is due one day before the Process Mapping Session which takes place 2 weeks before the VIP Week.

The final payment is due on the Friday, prior to your VIP Week.

Building your Dubsado is a collaborative work. I try to take on as much of the work as possible during the setup.

With that said, you will need to set aside 7-8 hours depending on how organized you are. Note that this includes the call we have together.

Here is a breakdown of those hours: 

  • 1 hour to complete the Intake Questionnaire 
  • 1 hour for the Client Experience Coaching Call
  • 1 hour to complete the Onboarding Questionnaire 
  • 1,5 hours for our Process Mapping Workflow Session
  • 2- 3 hours to complete the Implementation Questionnaire
  • 1,5 hours for our Offboarding calls.

What is 8 hours to get your CRM set up the right way?

Once the VIP Week is complete, I will not leave you hanging. I’m not only setting up your Dubsado, I’m teaching you how to use it. Here is how I help you achieve that:

  • One the first call, we focus strictly on the workflows. It’s important that you understand what is actually happening in your automated systems.
  • I also provide you with a video for each one of your workflows so you can see the automation in action and also see what your client will experience.
  • Then, we hop on the questions call. This is where you come in and ask all your specific questions. If it helps (and it usually does) we can also do a run through of one of your services. 
  • After,  we move into post-project support, which includes a Next Step guide & email support. You’ll be testing your workflows, adding your existing clients, and asking me alllll the questions.

For Dubsado VIP Week experience, you will have 30-days of email support.

Yes. CSS coding and conditional logic are additional services you can add to your Dubsado setup. These services will be an additional cost.

if you made it this far, you might as well


It’s casual, it’s easy, and there are no strings attached. I’ll probably even have my hair tied-up in a bun. What are you waiting for? Let’s streamline your Dubsado setup!